How to Post on Facebook Using the Facebook Graph API: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you looking to streamline your Facebook posting process using the Facebook Graph API? Whether you are a developer or a business owner, leveraging the Graph API can significantly enhance your posting capabilities. In this blog post, I will walk you through the steps to register as a developer, create an app, and use the Graph API Explorer to post text and images to your Facebook page.


Step 1: Register as a Developer

First things first, you need to register as a developer on the Facebook Developer platform. Here’s how:

  1. Visit the Facebook Developer website:
  2. Click on Get Started and complete the registration process.

Registering as a developer grants you access to various tools and APIs that Facebook offers, including the powerful Graph API.


Facebook developer page which include an arrow to show the get started button


Step 2: Create a New App

Once you’re registered, it’s time to create a new app:

  1. Navigate to My Apps and click Create App.Facebook developer dashboard to create an app
  2. Choose Other > nextCreate an app
  3. Choose Business as your app type.App type
  4. Enter an App Name that is relevant to your project and click Create App.App details

Creating an app is essential as it provides you with the credentials needed to interact with Facebook’s APIs.


Step 3: Use the Graph API Explorer

Now that your app is set up, you can start using the Graph API Explorer to interact with Facebook’s API:

  1. In the top navbar, click on Tools and select Graph API ExplorerTop navbar tools drop down .
  2. In the Meta App section on the right corner, select the app name you created.Enter the name of App meta post section

The Graph API Explorer is a powerful tool that allows you to test and interact with Facebook’s Graph API in real-time.


Step 4: Get a Page Access Token

To post on your Facebook page, you need a Page Access Token. Here’s how to get it:

  1. Under the User or Page section, choose Get Pages Access Token.Get page access token
  2. A popup will appear. Follow the prompts to switch accounts if necessary and continue until you reach the section titled Choose the Pages You Want.
  3. Select the page you want to post to, then click Continue and Save.

choose the page to post

This token is crucial as it grants your app the permissions needed to post content on your behalf.


Step 5: Select Your Page and Add Permissions

With your Page Access Token in hand, ensure your page is selected and add the necessary permissions:

  1. Ensure that your page is selected under the User or Page section.

  2. In the Permissions section, add the following permissions:

    • pages_show_list
    • pages_read_engagement
    • pages_manage_metadata
    • pages_read_user_content
    • pages_manage_posts
  3. Click on Generate Token. When a popup appears, click Reconnect, select the page, and click Save.Choose the page and set permission

These permissions allow your app to read and manage content, engagements, and ads on your page.


Step 6: Setup Completion

Congratulations! Your setup is now complete. You are now ready to post content to your Facebook page using the Graph API.


Step 7: Create a Post Request

Open postman :

To create a text post, use the following endpoint:{page_id}/feed?message={your_message}&access_token={access_token}
  • page_id: You can find this in your page’s profile under About > Page Transparency > Page ID.
  • access_token: This is available in the Graph API Explorer.


For example, to post "Hello, World!" to your page, your request URL would look something like this:,%20World!&access_token=your_access_token


If your post was successful, this will be your output:


Step 8: Post an Image

To post an image, use the following endpoint:{page_id}/photos?url={image_url}&access_token={access_token}
  • page_id: Refer to the steps above to find this.
  • access_token: Obtain this from the Graph API Explorer.
  • image_url: The URL of the image you want to post.

For instance, to post an image located at "", your request URL would be:



By following these steps, you can efficiently post both text and images to your Facebook page using the Facebook Graph API. This method not only saves time but also allows for greater flexibility and automation in managing your Facebook content. Happy posting!